Gotta Love Pink!

Gotta Love Pink!
Wear Pink!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Going Away Nails

The night before my cousins' and siblings' flight to Cebu, they wanted me to do their nails before leaving.. So I did even if I was not feeling well. Needing my sleep!

Anyway here are the pics.

SanSan + Mia Secret Crackle Polish

Sally Hansen

SanSan + Reeve's Acrylic Paint

SanSan + Reeve's Acrylic Paint

By the way, this was my very first time in using acrylic paint and I'm in love!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Aya said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the cow design :D

liiyueh (JanLee) said... Best Blogger Tips

Me too! My cousin literally cried lolz!^^