Gotta Love Pink!

Gotta Love Pink!
Wear Pink!

Friday, July 1, 2011

I "SOO" Love Squid + Reeves Acrylic Paint

My sis loves this and bought it with her when she came back from the US.

I've grown to like it too when I tried it.

SOO I tried to put the very cute squid on my nails like SOO..

I used SanSan Tropical Lemon as my base color.

Used my Reeves Acrylic Paint and put a topcoat.

SOO cute!

It's a good thing they made the squid look cute otherwise I wouldn't even dare put it on my nails, more eat it!

Here's my gift from Mom.. Reeves Acrylic Paint (24pcs).

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Location:Circumferential Rd,Sinacaban,Philippines