So I was just eating my lunch yesterday when my online orders arrived from Sheliane / Awesome Nails.Thanks! Till next time Sheliane!^^
I quickly rush upstairs and ripped the parcel haha!^^
Got my 2 nail wheels, 10 clear acrylic nail tips, a fauxnad plate and 10 free water decals. So I just spent the rest of the day making nail designs, same thing as I'm doing now. I just didn't had the time to blog about it last night coz I was not feeling well. I was having palpitations, dizziness and cold sweats. I just had to go to bed early and tossed and turned until I was so tired that I dozed off. I am feeling a lil better but not better, better. So sad...
Anyway, when I finished with my nail wheel, I'll take pics and post it here. Some are recreated and some are original. Hehe! I wish I can make money out of this "expensive" hobby!^^
Okay, so back to bed rest... T_T
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